You Are a Fractal of Source
“You are a fractal of Source.”
This profound statement has been given to me multiple times to share with everyone. The phrase shows up unexpectedly and sporadically in readings and channelings, as well as in written blog posts. It’s clearly intended to help us to see ourselves differently than we usually do so.
Many of us were raised with the belief that the Divine lives outside of us. We were taught in a thousand ways that we are separate from the God, and will only know this unknown entity if and when we are good/lucky/contrite/holy enough to go to heaven.
Purposefully or not, these teachings negated our intrinsic capacity to know our Self, and each Other, as who we really are.
Can you imagine what the world would be like if we knew that we, and all others, are fractals of Source? Would we kill each other? Would we steal? Would we tell Others what terrible people they are? Would we reject ourselves through shame or self-neglect?
Know that the life force and ever-present intelligence within you are real. You aren’t made in the image of God; you are made as an extension of God.