I’ve never had a reading, from you or anyone. What can I expect?
First - it’s important you choose someone with whom you innately feel comfortable. Read through their website and writings to get a sense of their personality and how they view this work, and trust your instincts.
For sessions with me, the personal readings open with what wants to come forward at this time for you. Sometimes this is what I saw when I connected with you “in the field” before the reading; other times it’s something else Spirit wants to you know. This part usually lasts 15 minutes or so. After this, there will be plenty of time for you to ask questions about what came through as well as other areas of your life for which you are seeking insight.
Readings last about an hour. You can choose to have them over Zoom (audio only) and have them recorded or over the phone without a recording.
Are readings safe?
Absolutely. Before the start of the reading I ask (1) for protection for both of us and (2) that which comes through be for the highest good of all. In addition, the readings are always rooted in love. There’s never any judgement or shaming, ever.
How much will you find out about me and my life?
I will only “see” what your higher self allows me to see. Sometimes I will see a past life that is impacting a current situation; other times readings are firmly rooted in this life. Occasionally I am given a blank wall when a client asks a direct question, which tells me Spirit does not want the person to know what’s behind the wall.
If it’s appropriate for me to see a difficult part of your life, it will come forward—again without judgement. Also, if you are being impacted by someone else, the reading will primarily focus on your experience as you are the person seeking the reading.
Will a reading make me do something I don’t want to?
The foundational rule for all readings, whether by me or another, is to never mess with Free Will. Free Will is a God-given right for every person on earth—even if we don’t like what that person is doing. Suggestions may come through for you, but you always have Free Will regarding the information you choose to keep and the actions you choose to take. You never have to do something you don’t want to.
Can you guarantee you will connect with one of my past lives, or with someone who’s passed over?
No. While many readings include information regarding the impact of a past life, not every reading has this. Similarly, loved ones who have passed over come in probably 60% of the sessions, but not every session. Your higher self is always in charge of what happens.
Will a Crystalline Soul Healing® session cure my diabetes
(or heart problems or arthritis or stomach pain, etc.?)
IMPORTANT: Crystalline Soul Healing® (CSH) is NOT a medical treatment and Anne is NOT a medical professional.
CSH is an ancient, high-frequency energetic transmission that your higher self directs toward physical, mental, emotional, and/or spiritual discord. If Anne feels CSH is NOT an appropriate response for the issue(s) you’d like to address, she will communicate this and refund 95% of your payment. (5% of the payment is retained to cover credit card processing fees YMS incurs even when the appointment is canceled).
What should I do after a reading?
If the session was held over the phone and you took notes, it may be helpful to rewrite/organize the notes after the reading while the info is fresh. Similarly, if the reading was recorded, it may be helpful to listen to it one more time early on. Then let it all sink in for a while and see what starts to show up for you; things tend to unfold over time. It’s very common for people to go back to their notes a year later and see/understand the relevancy of words or phrases in a new way.
Unless readings are part of a special package with intentional timing, I recommend you wait at least 6 months between sessions. We humans need time for things to settle in a bit and for life to happen. Some people have readings on a fairly regular basis, others wait until big shifts pop up. You will know what works best for you.
What if I decide to cancel the reading after it’s been booked?
48 hours prior to the appointment is the sweet spot. Your appointment time has been held exclusively for you and I will have started connecting with your field. Cancelations of less than 48 hours do not allow time to rebook the spot.
For example, if your appointment is scheduled for a Thursday at noon, you have until the prior Tuesday at noon to either reschedule the appointment or to request a refund of 95% of the payment. (5% of the payment is retained to cover credit card processing fees YMS incurs even when the appointment is canceled.)
If you choose to reschedule, one more new appointment time will be set for you. Please note that a cancelation of a rescheduled appointment is not refunded or rescheduled again.
How is it you can do this?
I’m not sure there’s one specific reason, but there are several elements that impact:
I’ve been on a spiritual journey since the early 1990’s and my energy and mind have increased in sensitivity year after year. I can pick up subtleties in others’ energies that I couldn’t even 5 years ago.
I’ve been told in readings by others that I’ve done this before and it’s my purpose to help with the big shift we’re all going though. The first part of my life was hell, which I didn’t understand at the time. But since then, have realized I went through shi(f)t early so that I could help others as they go through theirs.
I come from a line of Scottish women who were psychic. My twin sister is psychic as is a niece and a nephew. My other sister and brother have always been curious and accepting, as were our parents.
I trust what I receive and those who reveal themselves to me. Have had long conversations with St. Germain, Master Kuthumi and several Archangels. I currently work with a male guide (name unknown) and two women guides who call themselves The Grandmothers.