Ask to See Differently
We all find ourselves in difficult situations throughout our lives, some more challenging than others. A natural first response to such a situation is to try to think ourselves out it.
We replay the experience or scenario over and over in our minds, gnoshing through all the aspects and angles we can think of. We bring up similar situations from the past, hoping to tap into our acquired knowledge or a first-hand understanding of how things typically play out.
We might see where a gap exists, or perhaps a miscommunication or foundational weakness—there are hundreds of insights we can garner by directing our thoughts towards what we know from past experiences.
But what about when this approach doesn’t work and we keep coming up short?
This in an indication that something else is at hand. In fact, there are times when our acquired knowledge is absolutely worthless.
When we’re not getting answers to our situation through our thoughts, it’s because we have outgrown our knowns to date. Our only choice is to ask for an unknown.
“Help Me To See This Differently” is a powerful call to the Divine, to Intelligent Design.
This phrase acknowledges that there are much greater forces at play, beyond what we can possibly imagine. And in essence, we’re asking these forces for information on our behalf.
The answer(s) may not come right away. It might take several days or even weeks. Sometimes an answer is delayed until we are in the right frame of mind to hear/receive it. If this is the case, we’ll often get micro answers that function as steps—not a full answer but enough to keep going forward.
In addition, one of the things about being human is that we have free will. The Universe is not going to tell us specifically what to do in a given situation; doing so violates the principle of free will. We will be given indirect answers instead.
The answer may show up in our writing if we’re one who journals. It can also show up in someone else’s writings in a book or online, in an email or a conversation, or a in podcast or a bumper sticker or a song.
However and whenever the answer to our inquiry/situation shows up, we will feel it unmistakably. Our body registers a “yes” and relaxes a bit, as does our mind. Things make sense, even if the answers are not what we “thought.”
Trust that you are always being led in the right direction. Trust that Intelligent Design has your back.