What if you’re not lost?

What if you’re in process?

Image by Colin Fitzgerald

You're Not Lost: A 5-Week Online Workshop

Letting go of an old way of living is a tall order. We’ve all heard that when one door closes another opens. But what if we don’t see a door, much less know which direction to look? Or maybe we think we’re at the door, but it refuses to open—then what?

You’re Not Lost is a deep dive into your current transition from a spiritual perspective. Bigger picture—we’re here to learn who we really are and grow into our true Self. Join us for a powerful 5-week journey in which you’ll examine different angles of your shift and how to make the passage in the best possible way.

Through both group and individual time, you’ll explore the possibility of alternative interpretations about what you’re experiencing, emotions such as fear and grief that may be impacting the shift, how to better align yourself with the new coming in, and receiving glimpses of potential new information or directions forward.

The workshop includes 5 live group sessions via Zoom, a handful of tools, deeply impactful writing prompts to excavate your own truth, and a channeling by The Grandmothers specifically for those who participate.

Week 1 The Past
Week 2 The Present
Week 3 Bridge Week (when the Grandmothers join us)
Week 4 The Future
Week 5 Gathering One More Time

Additional Points
Sessions are recorded if you are unable to attend live. A link to the recording and PDF of the week’s slides are sent after each meeting.

Writing prompts are sent by email twice a week for you to answer in your own time and place.

We will be doing tender work together; the utmost respect for one another (and ourselves) is an absolute requirement.

You’re Not Lost will be
offered again in Spring 2025.

Sign up for the email list to stay up to date.

From others who have taken the course:

  • "I have grown in connection to my higher self. I feel more like my form is part of a greater whole, with access to a lot more information from the field. I am also more accepting of living in connection to the larger field as a way of being in daily life."

  • "Your questions/writing prompts were very illuminating and inspired me to see things I’d been missing."

  • "This program helped me ground myself and accept more readily the ongoing nature of my transition. My impatience was getting in my way and my expectations were causing me strife. Your writing prompts were very stirring and helped me process the complex emotions I was still struggling with re: my life and the transitions I find myself in at this moment."

  • "Trust the process. Make time to go deeply and to meditate on the prompts before answering them. That helped me uncover more deeply embedded issues I needed to address. I didn’t know I had deeper healing to do. The multi-week nature of the program was awesome for this depth of investigation and processing."

  • "Be open to surprises. Use the tools and journal prompts to move you through the process and lead you to new information."