Will Balance Ever Happen?

Image by Avi Richards on Unsplash

The Autumn Equinox happens in a few days, Sep 23.  This is the point when the Sun crosses the equator as it moves from the Northern Hemisphere to the Southern Hemisphere.  It is also one of only two instances throughout the year (the second being the Spring Equinox) when the length of day and night are equal for a very short time.  Equinox-equator-equal.

So bigger picture, within the construct of Spirit/Universal Mind/Intelligent Design, balance is only momentary.  It’s designed to only be momentary.

When we’re opening to our spiritual sides, we keep thinking we’ll “get it” one day and our lives will be balanced as half spiritual being and half human being.  Doing the job/kids/responsibilities by day and the sacred by night.

First and foremost, give yourself a break.  You are exactly where you are supposed to be, even your job.

Release yourself from the pressure of “getting it right.”  If/when balance happens, it will only be momentary.  You are always going to be in flux in some way.  Just as the Sun is always on the move, so too are you.

Your spirituality will expand mostly through your day life, not your night life.  That tough meeting may well spur your internal growth just as much if not more than the hike in the woods.

You are intentionally here for the journey, not for the stillness of balance.


Your Self is Made on the Edge


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