Not Adding to the Story
A few days ago I read a news piece that made me furious. Again. As I was stewing about the “awful” people involved, a phrase came to mind that stopped me in my tracks.
The statement/question was:
Do you really think there is not enough negativity involved, and that you need to add more?
I was complaining about how harmful others were, while completely blind to my own negative contributions to the situation.
In some ways, this is akin to the famous Buckminster Fuller quote about not fighting what we don’t like:
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
In spiritual terms, it’s about not giving energy toward something we don’t want.
This means being aware of where we are directing not only our actions, but also our thoughts and emotions. Our mind is a powerful instrument. It is our free will how we choose to use it.
This is at the heart of “becoming conscious,” a phrase we explore on the spiritual path.
Being conscious isn’t turning a blind eye to people and systems that hurt others. It’s consciously choosing to not add more negativity to the situation.
It’s choosing to see that our power lies within our love, not our hate.