When a Shift is in the Works
We all have times in our lives when it feels like something’s off. That things just don’t seem to work for us or feel comfortable anymore. Experiencing this can be a little unsettling, especially if it’s as impactful as a living situation or a job.
If you’re having these feelings, don’t beat yourself up.
It doesn’t mean you’ve done anything wrong, it means it’s time to grow again — that a shift is in the works.
We are hardwired for growth and change—they are the very basis for life.
Yet just because it’s innate to us, growing isn’t easy. A shift usually entails giving up something from before so that the new can come in.
If we can be completely honest with ourselves when this happens, we know deep down it’s time to change. But most of us have no idea how things will look in the future and can go into fear around the shift.
I know this one well.
Fear of an unknown future has accompanied me for most of my days—a little ironic for someone who has had so many changes in their life.
I’m here to tell you that while a little fear can be healthy, too much and you’ll just be scaring the crap out of yourself. Even more so, fear limits your access to information/guidance on the way forward.
When a shift is in the works:
1) Stop ignoring it or fighting it,
2) Stop scaring yourself, and
3) Stop thinking it’s a random occurrence.
You’re on a life trajectory here and it’s a fabulous ride. Can you follow the clues to what wants to come in?