Repost - Your Body Knows

Image by K. Mitch Hodge on Unsplash

Your body doesn’t lie to you.

Your body is the physical home for your Soul this lifetime; its unfathomable intelligence is designed to support your journey.  

As the designated vehicle for your Self, your body’s guidance will show up in different ways:

The racing of your heart when you’re excited about something
A knot in your stomach when you meet someone you don’t like/trust
The hair on the back of your neck prickling in alertness
Goosebumps on your arms when you have a profound experience
A headache after a tough conversation
A deep yawn on a relaxed weekend afternoon
A shallow breath of fear
Anger setting up in your jaws
Tension radiating through your shoulders
A locked-up lower back
Sorrow in your eyes
Walking on pins and needles around someone
A loss of appetite or an insatiable hunger
A general sense of lightness or heaviness that’s not about weight
Feeling gutted by grief
Feeling enveloped by love
Feeling creative energy flow through your hands

Tapping into your body is a tool for the spiritual journey.  Your body will tell you what’s going on.  Some signs are glaring, others are subtle.  Your job is to understand its language.

For example, if you’re a little queasy after a rich lunch that’s one thing.  But if you’re queasy every day around 4:30 when you think about heading home, that’s something else.  

When a particular expression repeatedly shows up, ask your body why the expression is there and/or what it means.  The answer may surprise you.  Or not—you may well know what’s going on.  

Trust your own intelligent body—it was designed specifically for you.

Note: Your physicality is directly impacted by hundreds of elements—chronic or episodic disease, genetics, disability, diet, exercise, weather, environment, etc.  You know best how to read the language of your body.


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