Repost - Asking with Openness
Image by Junior Ferreira on Unsplash
Yes, words matter when you’re asking for guidance or signs. Your words matter. When you go within (whether in prayer, meditation, or talking out loud while driving), you are connecting with your higher self, and therefore your portal to the Universe. Your voice needs to be yours, and your words need to reflect your truth, not someone else’s.
And in this voice of yours, ask for guidance in the spirit of openness.
One of the things about being human is that you have free will. The Universe/God/Goddess is not going to tell you specifically what you should do in a given situation. To do so violates the principle of free will.
Instead, when you ask for guidance, ask in a way that honors your agency.
For example, rather than asking how to solve a tough situation at work, ask to understand it in a different way.
Rather than asking for a sign that your partner loves you, ask to see love today—however it may look.
Ask for clarity
Ask for insight
Ask for grace
Ask for the next step
Ask to see how the current situation is beneficial for you
Ask if there’s something else you need to know
The Divine works on a different frequency. The answers will come in a way you can see them, but probably not how/when you think they should. You may ask for guidance while brushing your teeth one night, and the answer comes in as you’re reading an email three days later.
The sign may show up in your body (a racing heart). It may be a thought, a person, a song, a commercial, or a posting on social media. Or maybe it’s certainty in your knowing where formerly there was doubt.
Sometimes there’s no discernible answer or it seems like you didn’t receive one. That can be an answer to keep going. Not knowing what’s coming up is the juiciness of life.
The main requirement is to ask with openness. Open minded, open hearted, open handed.
The second requirement is to ask while fully rooted in your Self. Be in and of your own energy, so that we can meet you there.
Originally published March 15, 2023