Real World Magic
Situations invariably pop up that can cause one to worry. Perhaps it’s an upcoming meeting at work, or anticipating a difficult conversation with a friend or a parent, or making a major purchase—there are numerous situations that can make us feel anxious.
I offer you the following statement to use when this happens. It’s addressed to whomever you speak with in prayer:
“Source, I ask for the most benevolent outcome for all.”
“Angels, I ask for the most benevolent outcome for all.”
“God, I ask for the most benevolent outcome for all.”
In saying this phrase, you are releasing control of the outcome and acknowledging the ability of Intelligent Design to step in. You are asking for kindness towards all, including yourself. You are asking for the best possible outcome that is available within the situation.
Now let your fears go. If they come back, repeat the phrase as often as you need.
Also, resolution may not look as you had hoped. That’s ok.
Within the situation you’ll do your part by acting with integrity and respect. But as for the outcome, you’ve asked for Source benevolence for everyone-the highest possible outcome.
Trust that it will unfold.