Know You Are Made For This

Image by Logan Weaver on Unsplash

“We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.”

-T. S. Eliot, Four Quartets

Opening up to our spiritual Self is not for the faint of heart.  

We might imagine that our angels and guides will hover close, protecting us and pointing us towards the soft, sparkly path to consciousness.

Yes, you will have occasional moments like this. But most of it is living your every day life and periodically slogging through deep, dark gunk.

This is because the process unfolds through the heart, not the head, and your emotions will definitely be triggered.  Know that going in.

In some of these challenging experiences you will feel a bit beat up. You will feel frustrated, angry, overwhelmed, abandoned, incompetent, lost, unloved and/or unseen. Don’t shame yourself for any of these—all on the path experience it.

As hard as it is to understand when your world is absolute crap, the challenges are gifts of your soul. The triggers tell us it’s time to unfold to the next level.  If we weren’t ready, the trigger wouldn’t happen.

Soul growth happens largely through these challenges.  Time and time again, you’ll be “set up” in situations that will force your spiritual integrity and inner strength to come forward.

You will no doubt tire of these “growth opportunities” and yet still keep going because there’s no other choice.

Because you know there’s a bigger picture.  

You know you are shedding that which binds/limits you and holds you down.  

You know you are releasing your dross so that your beauty can fully shine.

You know that underneath your anger is joy and lightness.

You know you are going through all of it so that you can grow into your magnificent self, Your Mythic Self.

Because you know you are made for this journey.




Living In Character