Follow-Up CSH is only for those who have received an individual Reading + Crystalline Soul Healing® session within the past 6 months.
This session is additional transmission(s) of the CSH energies for the specific area of focus in the initial session. As the energies settle into our lives and our bodies, additional transmissions can sometimes be helpful to address nuances/shifts that may have occurred since the first appointment.
Please note this follow-up is NOT required for the efficacy of the original transmission; it is offered as additional support. The session will be held by phone and not recorded.
Follow-Up CSH is only for those who have received an individual Reading + Crystalline Soul Healing® session within the past 6 months.
This session is additional transmission(s) of the CSH energies for the specific area of focus in the initial session. As the energies settle into our lives and our bodies, additional transmissions can sometimes be helpful to address nuances/shifts that may have occurred since the first appointment.
Please note this follow-up is NOT required for the efficacy of the original transmission; it is offered as additional support. The session will be held by phone and not recorded.