Yes, There Are Signs
“You are a fractal of Source. ” This was a statement from my guide a few weeks ago in a channeled message about Letting Go. The statement is at the core of our spirituality, individually and collectively.
You and Source are connected. In addition, you are connected with the larger, over-arching mass consciousness made up of everyone else on Earth who is also a fractal of, and connected with, Source.
Your connections with Source and with mass consciousness serve as information portals for you to receive guidance. While there is no flashing neon sign, there are ways that you receive directions on moving forward in your life.
“Going inside” for insight through prayer or mediation is a common way to receive guidance.
Guidance can also come in numerous other ways: your emotions, your body, other people, synchronicities, meetings, animals, songs, writings and numbers are some of the most common signs you’ll probably experience. Upcoming posts will explore some of the ways signs can show up.
Know that you will receive signs/directions in ways you’ll best receive them. Sometimes you’ll get them on the first pass, sometimes it will take 8 instances to get your attention. Sometimes, for one reason or another, you’re not quite able to see the sign yet. Don’t worry, it will come around again.
More than anything, know that you are hardwired for this. Your very Beingness (as a fractal of Source) ensures this.