When the Path is Unclear

Image by Yuriy Bogdanov on Unsplash

Part of being on the spiritual path are reoccurring times of not knowing what is going on with you or what to do next.  

Things don’t make sense.  You try to make something happen and it falls flat. There’s little interest in what used to be important. You probably have a hard time relating to family and friends.  

Basically you feel like you’re standing in the middle of a large expanse and every way you turn leads to nothing.

It’s a crappy time.  

And unfortunately when you’re in it, the only way through is through.  Yes, you can give up and try to go back.   But the old doesn’t work anymore, so that just makes it more difficult.

Know five things:

1) You’re not doing anything wrong.  You are opening up to a deeper level of your Self.

2) It won’t always be this way.  You WILL get to the other side.

3) Your words matter.  Rather than saying “I don’t know,” say “I am finding my way.”

4) It will happen again but you’ll know what it is and what worked for you.

5) Trust the Untethering.  Easy to say, hard to do.

Keep going.  You’ve got this.



A Quote by Brené Brown


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