The Rising Feminine

Image by Engin Akyrt on Unsplash

The Divine Feminine is not a woman in a long flowery dress who lives in the woods feeding bunnies.

The Divine Feminine characterizes the higher feminine aspects within each of us.  We are both Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine. This message is about the Feminine.

The Feminine is alive in each of you, no matter if you are male or female.  She lives through you and because of you.  She Is brought to life through you.

God/Spirit/Source is both masculine and feminine. Or what you would call both masculine and feminine.  Half of God can’t be deleted or erased.  Or controlled.  

Recognize that you, too, are both masculine and feminine.  Whether gendered male or female, recognize you are both.  

Feminine is not less than masculine.  It is an equal and different energy.  Look at often quoted principles of life.  For every action is there is a separate and equal reaction. Yin and yang. Concave and convex. Two sides of a coin.  Day and Night.

It’s easy to think day, or light, as masculine and night, or darkness, as feminine.  That is not entirely true.  Feminine is pausing, ingesting, seeking to understand, gauging, intuiting, allowing for others, soft eyes, compassion.

Each time you ask to receive wisdom, or clarity; each time you ask to approach a difficult situation with love, each time you show compassion rather than judgement—these are expressions of the Divine Feminine.  

Bigger picture:  the reemergence of the Feminine is why so many are experiencing being “two spirited” or what is known as gay.  This is also why gender issues are coming to the forefront, with people feeling compelled to change their birth gender.  Look at where laws to negate agency are being written, this will tell you where there is (new) rising energy.  “Laws” are being created to control women who become pregnant, to disallow men from exhibiting their feminine side, and to negate people who embody genders different from which they are born.  Yet ultimately, these laws are failing because the Feminine is half of who you intrinsically are.  Half of you cannot be negated.

This is happening because the Feminine is rising in the collective consciousness; a rising directly related to the collective shift into the Age of Aquarius.  

Honor your internal Divine Feminine.  Let her carry half of your weight.  As you are both Spiritual and Sentient, so too are you both Feminine and Masculine.  



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