The Continuum
Many years ago I saw a bumper sticker that read “You didn’t start it and you’re not going to finish it.”
What freedom I felt in that statement!
At that time, I was working in the nonprofit sector where we were perpetually focused on fixing something broken in society. If we just had enough time/money/knowledge/technology/partners/space/marketing we could solve the particular issue. The never-ending scope of the work could make you wonder if it even made a difference.
Then the bumper sticker popped up in front of me one day, telling me that ______ was never going to be completely solved. Did this mean I could stop thinking we were going to “get it” at some point, if we just tried harder??
Truly, a huge paradigm shift.
That very same statement also applies when we’re exploring our own consciousness.
You, the person reading this post right now, in this very lifetime, are part of a continuum.
A continuum of your Soul.
You didn’t start it and you’re not going to finish it.
You’re not designed to figure everything out about yourself (and the Universe) in this one lifetime. You’re not going to resolve all of your issues, even if you work harder. You’re not going to “get it” and then everything is fine.
In addition, you’re intentionally hardwired to not see/comprehend your own Soul.
So what CAN you do?
You become aware there are layers to your life way beyond what is shown to you on TV. You learn the layers are largely invisible and best accessed by going within. You learn there is so much you will never know, and yet you keep digging. You learn you are here to both enjoy life and to grow through life’s experiences. You learn more about yourself, but not everything. And you learn you are an intentional part of the Great Continuum.
You didn’t start it and you’re not going to finish it.
Set aside the rigid belief of “getting it.” That’s not the goal. In fact, there’s not even a goal line.