Synchronicity is Your North Star
Image by Joran Quinten on Unsplash
Synchronicity is the business coach showing up at a mutual friend’s gathering just as you were considering hiring one.
It’s the new explanation of your recent health issue popping up in a random feed.
It’s the major purchase going on sale right as you need it.
It’s the song you needed to hear as you change stations.
It’s the meeting you really didn’t want to take and the person cancels at the last minute.
It’s the sneaky colleague showing you they can’t be trusted.
It’s the slow traffic diverting you from a potential wreck up ahead.
It’s being passed over for the promotion and deciding it’s time to start your own business.
It’s not getting the house you wanted and finding a better one three months later.
It’s the nudge to sign up for a class where you meet your partner.
It’s the lost phone number. Or the found one.
It’s the perfect stray adopting you.
It’s overhearing a conversation about a great babysitter a week before yours heads off to college.
We are part of, and connected to, a huge field of shared consciousness. Events happen and lives intersect in ways we’ll never grasp, predict or control.
At this intersection of Fate and Free Will, all we can do is have absolute faith that ours is a benevolent Universe and synchronicity is its “ping,” showing us the way to go.