Opening a 30-Year Spiritual Time Capsule

Image by Y Tink on Unsplash

I’ve recently experienced the opening of a spiritual time capsule of sorts by listening to an old cassette recording.

It was the recording of the very first reading I received 30 years ago, in November 1993.  At the time, I was in the middle of an ugly divorce and my sister had gifted me the reading to help me understand what was happening from a different vantage point.  The reader, a spiritual teacher my sister had worked with and trusted, was forthright yet kind.

Three things stood out:

1) The woman relayed a past life experience that heavily influenced this one. I’d seen that lifetime in a dream a couple of years before the reading, and remembered it vividly, but did not know the relevance. Her description exactly matched the dream, that was cool.  

2) She described how life events would happen in 6-year cycles and gave me the date when the next cycle would start.  I plotted it out and saw how the prior 30 years ( 5 6-year cycles) were indeed sorted and linked.  Also cool.

3) She said this was a lifetime of evolution for me; that I came in to pursue a spiritual path and would always be pulled back to it if I strayed too far off course.

Thinking back over the 30-year span since the reading, I now understand much of what I didn’t then. I can see how that prior life deeply influenced this one. The way some things have played out also make sense.

Takeaways for you-

Trust your life.  You were born into a specific time/place/family dynamic to help you evolve at a Soul level.

Trust yourself.  You have been hardwired for inner guidance.  Furthermore, you know your truth—listen to it.

Trust Source.  You are a fractal of Source.  Life happens through you, not to you. You can’t get this wrong.

Trust the Untethering. You are becoming who you really are.


Connecting with Someone Who’s Passed


The World We Have Been Born Into