Listen to Yourself First

Image by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Opening up to your higher consciousness is a process that unfolds over time.

And over time, you’ll no doubt have weeks and months when you’re too busy with life and work and family and obligations to add one more thing to your reading list about self growth and spirituality.

First, do not beat yourself up. You are here for life—you are doing why you are here. Spirituality isn’t something to be added to a full schedule; it’s something to be realized within the full schedule.

You are already both sentient and spiritual. You are already connected to Source. In fact, you are a fractal of Source.

That means guidance is always there. Always. You are hardwired for this.

If you’ve chosen to explore the spiritual aspect of yourself, the most important advice you’ll receive (or should receive) is Listen To Yourself First.

You know your own truth. You know who you really are.

An hour of meditation every morning may well be a pipe dream. (No worries, it is for me too.) But you can listen to the nudges that come to mind while you’re driving or washing the dishes. You can trust your feelings, they’re a guidance system too. You can ask yourself open ended questions such as

What am I being shown here?
How can I see this situation differently?

Much of the process involves letting go of long-held beliefs about who you are and how things “should” be, whether they come from you or from another. The best way to do this is to listen to, and trust, the truth that comes from within. Your truth.

Trust yourself. Trust Source. Trust the Untethering.


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