Letting Go, Part III
What would it be like for you to let go of one item every day for a year? To donate, recycle or throw out one thing, every single day for an entire year. And not an empty can you’d put in recycling anyway, but something you’ve been holding on to for one reason or another.
That is my challenge for this year. Want to join me?
The earlier Letting Go postings were about how & why releasing is part of the spiritual path, as well as what my guide had to say about it. This one is lighter; it’s a daily action rooted in curiosity and joy.
About a month ago I read about someone who was giving away one item a day for a month. The idea resonated and I wondered what it would be like to do it for an entire year. Would I have enough things I’d be willing to release? Didn’t know, but wanted to see what would happen.
On Dec 26 I set up a couple of boxes and added things that were already in a give-away pile. On Dec 27, I started the process with one item a day while keeping track in a notebook. Some items went into the donation boxes, others went into the trash or recycling.
Yesterday it was a beloved yet ragged shirt that just needed to go. The day before it was a tool I bought for one specific repair and will never do again. Last week included lotion I recently bought but hated the smell, a belt I’ve outgrown, a scarf I’ve never worn and a spice that is five years old. The week before included a mug, a partially used bag of flour that’s been in the back of my refrigerator for over a year, socks and a picture frame.
Giving myself permission to let go of these items has been incredibly freeing. The lotion is a good example: my frugal voice kept telling me I needed to suck it up and use the perfectly good lotion I’d just bought. But honestly, it smelled like bleach and I hated putting it on my skin. Frugal voice lost out.
Yes, I know this is in alignment with the larger, capital lettered LETTING GO. Yes, I’ll probably write about the parallels or lessons learned later on. But for now, it’s purely about enjoying the process.
Does this resonate with you? Could you release one item every day for a month? For a year?
Want to try?