Allowing Yourself to Become Who You Are

Photo by Naveen Chandler at Unsplash

“Let life happen to you. Life is in the right, always.” (Ranier Maria Rilke)

Energies are swirling right now and many of you will be experiencing shifts in the next four to six weeks. The old giving way as the new continues to come in.

Don’t go into fear. See the swirling energies as a bird does, using the rising air currents to circle higher. Or see it as a weather front coming through after a string of long, hot, humid days, clearing out the heaviness. Clarity is coming in.

Don’t be an immovable object. Be strong enough to be flexible, even vulnerable. Trusting yourself enough to allow yourself to be moved. Allow the old dense layers to give way. The clearing after a storm.

Let the swirling energies take you where you need to be. Allow yourself to become who you are. Who you really are. Without apology. Trust the process and let yourself be moved.

One by one and ten by ten, people are letting go of old stories, whether the stories are told by themselves, their families or their communities. You aren’t there anymore. Let go with love. Allow the new in with love.

Allow in who you are underneath all the learned fronts. Who you’ve always known yourself to be. Let the cloaking fall away, it is time. In fact, it is the purpose of this time. Many of you are sensing this shift, are undergoing the shift. Even when you don’t know what next week will look like. You feel it in your bodies, in your cells. You are part of the collective.

Collective consciousness is releasing its hold on the old ways, old energies. You can’t go back. There is only forward. Welcome it in. See if there is room for curiosity rather than fear.

Pay attention to your thoughts, but hold them lightly. See your life with a soft eye. Hold your life loosely right now. Give yourself room to move around. Room to release old stories, release hard won and hard worn identities. Release that armor, the one that’s smothering you. You’ve carried it a long time and it served you well. But no longer. See what the day will bring to you. See what life will bring to you.

Release who you had to be with a grateful heart. The shift is here now.


Gratitude for Those Who Have Led the Way


Crystal Clarity