
Image by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

To start the new year, throughout January I’ll be writing about 5 elements of the spiritual journey: Trust, Self-Love, Presence, Awareness and Frequency. Please know this is hardly a complete list, the journey is multifaceted and always unfolding; these are just some of my thoughts to accompany you.

“Faith allows you to trust the direction without needing to understand it.”
-Rick Rubin, The Creative Act: A Way of Being

Trusting in that which is intangible, unseen and unheard is asking a lot. And yet, that’s the deal.

When we start on the path, it’s usually because our lives have stopped making sense and/or it feels like something is missing. Not necessarily knowing what it is we’re asking about, we seek to understand what is going on behind the scenes. Thus the term seeker…

We can spend years learning about guides and archangels and ascended masters and divining tools and meditation and journaling and chakras and saging and affirmations and sacred sites and astrology and numerology and the enneagram and feeling states and chanting and channeling.

But if we don’t Trust, we’ll always be on the sidewalk, peering in through the windows, rather than in the room.

The thing about trusting is that it’s ultimately each person’s choice; no one can trust for you. You can trust a little or you can trust wholeheartedly. Typically we start with curiosity, move into small trust, and then into big Trust.

What does it look like?

First, Trust Your Self. You know yourself better than anyone. You know your absolute truth. Trust that your truth is valid, that you are hardwired for this journey, and that your guidance system is inside of you.

Second, Trust Intelligent Design (or Source, God, the Divine — your name for that which is All). We will never, ever fathom the Intelligent Design behind the Multiverse. Ever. We can only know that we are a fractal of Source. This is the hardwiring, and why our truth is valid.

Third, Trust the Path. Trust that you are, and always will be, okay. You and your guides chose the overarching aspects of your life. All of the messiness and ugliness and heartbreak and beauty and smiles and joy you’ve experienced are intentional. It isn’t about lessons, it’s about experience and seeking to understand. Just as when you started the journey.


Self Love


To Close the Year