The Beauty of Emptiness
Image by Kwon Junho on Unsplash
Imagine you are stepping into a beautiful empty room. Light is streaming in the windows. Solid, old hardwoods gleam on the floor. The air is clear and quiet.
You pause to absorb your surroundings —
The exquisite spaciousness, both in the room and in yourself.
The sense of presence, both in the room and in yourself.
This is what is being asked of you now.
Pause in your own spaciousness, your own presence.
Feel into all that is being offered to you within the emptiness,
Especially the love within the emptiness.
Keep this image of your beautiful empty room close to your heart.
This is how you recenter yourself when the world is noisy and chaotic.
It’s how you come to your own wisdom.
It’s how you will know which way to go.