Resources - Higher Energies & Light Language

This month I’d like to share different spiritual resources I use. It’s always super helpful to find a range of writings, perspectives and channelings to get a sense of the bigger picture.

I have followed Jamye Price for years. She lives in Sedona, Arizona and works with/translates higher energies and frequencies. She is a lovely blend of being deeply connected to the stars, yet very down to earth.

Jamye transmits Light Language and is the creator of Crystalline Soul Healing. She produces a very generous free monthly video in which she describes the energies she is sensing/receiving. She also sends weekly emails with guidance and info.

The monthly videos end with a light language transmission for everyone. Light language is a fascinating form of communication. It is both verbal and non-verbal, but the “words” are of a language we are not accustomed to. In many ways, light language is to be received within the body rather than the mind.

In addition, Jamye is the person from whom I learned (and was certified to transmit) Crystalline Soul Healing. Like light language, CSH is a transmission of high frequency, non-linear energies that are felt deep within the body.

If you haven’t experienced the communication of light language yet, I highly recommend it; Jamye is an excellent practitioner of it.


Resources - Living in New Energies

