Pausing to Hear
Image by Chad Peltola on Unsplash
In their December channeling for Signals (the monthly email), The Grandmothers mentioned the importance of pausing to hear in the distance.
This feels timely as the noise is getting louder and louder. People are shouting to be heard over one another while ugly, angry sound bites fill the air. So much anger is being communicated out into the world right now.
None of us have been here in change times like these.
It’s important that we guard our energy and be intentional in whom we give it to.
It’s important that we stay grounded in our own beingness so that we aren’t bantered about.
It’s important to pause and listen to what’s in the distance, beyond the noise and chaos.
Think of birds. Birds go quiet when they sense discord. When a storm or a predator comes near, they perch without sound, watching and sensing for correct timing and movement.
You are here for a reason. You are here to become Your Mythic Self.
Many are emerging into their Self in these times, these change times.
You are right on time.
And you are in the right place.
Listen for what’s in the distance, waiting to come in through you.