Yes, magic is real.
Isn’t it great you’re still surprised in this world? That magic happens?
There’s so much to life, to each of you, to your time on Earth. Your life is set up such that you don’t get to read ahead to know how the story plays out. This is the lusciousness of life. It’s why you’ve come here.
Your next collaborator stands next to you at the coffee shop. An email comes in that completely changes your life. You look once on a shelf for an item that isn’t there, yet when you look a second time, it is. You’re nudged to go a different way and later learn there was a major accident at the time you were going to be at the intersection.
Magic is confirmation that you are connected to the great Universal Design. It doesn’t happen often; if it did, it wouldn’t be magic. But it happens enough for you to take note and see it as a point out of time.
A point out of time. A step out of time, your time, your linear thinking.
Magic happens outside of thought; it lives outside of thought.
Magic is a correction by the universe in some ways, an energetic insertion point. You can call it synchronicity, a surprise, a twist, or an unexpected occurrence. All the same.
It’s not that the event wasn’t going to happen, it’s that you didn’t know it would happen.
If you have the belief that magic doesn’t happen with you, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t happen. It means you can’t see it or don’t recognize it when it does happen.
Magic is an opening into the fabric of God, fabric of time. Consider it a sign that you are seen and guided.
Welcome magic, ask for it to come in; ask to be surprised in the highest possible way.