Wowza, what a May.
On May 15/16 we collectively experienced a powerful Full Moon/South Node Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. Lunar eclipses are heightened Full Moons. Think of the power of the moon to draw tides in and out at the coast. We are mostly water; we are drawn in and out as well. Eclipses go in to the depths and then bring to light. The cycle of the darkening and the lightening happens all in the span of a few hours, all while the moon is Full.
This lunar eclipse happened close to the South Node that is currently in Scorpio. Nodes are invisible points on the ecliptic, the sky path on which the Sun, Moon and planets travel. The South Node and the North Node are located directly opposite one another in the astrological chart. The Nodal points travel through the sky as well, changing astrological signs approximately every 1.5 years. Each of our natal charts includes these points. They say the South Node is what we came into this life with—what we know, what is familiar, the old that is weighing us down. The North Node is a direction our Soul/Self wants to grow in this lifetime—what is new for us, what stretches us.
On the 15th/16th the South Node point was located within 3 degrees (in orb) of the eclipse, which is why it was called a South Node Lunar Eclipse. The eclipse itself happened at 25 Scorpio. My natal Venus is at 25 Scorpio and so I knew this would indicate a time of bringing up old layers that were close to my heart for releasing. What I didn’t know was what it would look like. Turns out it looked like walking pneumonia. I can truly say I’ve never experienced coughing at that level and never want to do it again. It was a major release through body.
Two weeks later and mostly back from it, I asked for guidance for us all. This is what I received:
It’s all a cycle. We go inside, into the depths. We give ourselves the space to be there. Be there with love, compassion, curiosity. Touch lightly, no need to sink or wallow in the depths. And yet, no skirting around it. Cutting through the junk, the gunk. Releasing layers. Releasing belief overlays. Having the grace to go within. The grace to sit with your depths. The strength to sit with your depths.
Collectively, the pandemic was a deep going within. Deep listening. What did you see there? What did you see within? What is true of you? No judgement.
Trust there will always be a Returning. Clarity in coming back into the light. After the storm, energy of clearing.
It’s all cycles. Spirals. Next time you go thorough the Spiral you will see it from a higher vantage point.
Sometimes we sense a cycle is coming. Sometimes we sense the spiral is coming.
When the calling to go within comes, allow it. It’s time for you to go to the next level on the Spiral and you are being offered insight into the shift. What you hold within, what perhaps no longer fits and is evolving.
The shedding of the internal. Like a shedding of outward skin, but this time inward. Some of what you find you’ll keep, some you’ll modify, some you’ll release.
You are going within to gain clarity, not to wallow. Not to beat yourself up. Approach the doorway to yourself with respect, you are welcoming yourself home. You have sent yourself home. Go ahead, go through the doorway and enter into the sacred space of your heart. Your deep inner knowing. Allow yourself to talk as much you want without judgement or criticism, just talk. Some things need to be said to yourself. You are home for a reason, if only for a while. Trust it. Let yourself release to home base, to what is waiting for you.
No need to rush, there is plenty of time to go back outwards. You will know when it’s time to leave, to go back out. It may be a couple of days, it may be a few months. The spiral continues, the cycles continue, life continues.
Touching home, the divine within, yourself within. No one can do that for you, nor can they take that away from you. It is your gift to yourself. What you gave yourself as you came into this life. You are your home.