Choosing Your Thoughts

Image by Kevin Turcios on Unsplash

Now, more than ever, it’s super important that we choose our thoughts.

Yes, we can easily spiral down into chaos and hate and blame and fear about the state of our world or our country or our community. A lot of people are doing this.

Yes, we are human and shit happens, and when it does we’ll probably be pissed.

Yes, things change, and change can trigger anxiety.

Negative thoughts and emotions are part of our lives. That’s a given.

What’s not a given is how much we allow the thoughts to run our life.

We get caught up in what happened, what didn’t happen, what should have happened, what we think will happen, what someone did or didn't do, what we did or didn't do, etc., etc., etc.

BUT this serves no one. Especially you.

You always, always have the choice to take control of your thoughts. ALWAYS.

This can be recognizing that you’re angry about something that’s only happened in your imagination.

Or deciding that you’re tired of carrying around a certain limiting thought or belief about yourself, or another, and you’re ready to leave it behind.

Or turning off the news because it drains you and you have other things more important to you.

Part of being conscious means being conscious of your mind.

Your mind is yours, and yours alone. Choose it.


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