A Trinity of Your Own
The word “Trinity” can be a loaded one. Many of us were raised within religions built on the triune of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.
These were the entities to which we prayed for salvation, guidance and protection. The Trinity was of the Highest Order, over all sentient beings in our world.
I use the past tense in the above sentences because many of us, especially women, have had a hard time relating to this Trinity. Yes, we wholeheartedly believe in a Highest Order over all sentient beings in the world. But where do we fit in when God is only made manifest in masculine forms? Where is the feminine in the Grand Design?
Over time, whether male or female, many have come to understand the Highest Order over all sentient beings in the world to be an ever present, ever expanding energy of love.
We may choose another name for this Highest Order such as Source/Sourza, Great Spirit, God/Goddess, Universe, Intelligent Design, All That Is, or The Divine.
And we may feel the small, strict triad within which we were raised soften, even give way to something greater.
What if you could chose a Trinity that reflects what is Sacred for you? Where do you find your salvation? Your hope? Your guidance?
If I made my own Trinity it would be
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