A Closed Door

Image by Hussan Amir on Unsplash

When we’re opening to our spiritual selves we pay a lot of attention to the openings.

In fact, if you’re like most people, you keep a vigilant watch for them as a “sign” that you’re on the right path — Is this the way I should go? Is this the right person to talk with? Is this a job I should apply for?  Should I take this program?  Should I offer this program?  

“Show me which way to go” is a common prayer for many of us. We’re always looking for that open door showing us the way forward.

But what about when we get a no?

No, the person doesn’t want to connect with you. No, you are not invited to go to the next round of interviews. No, the new house didn’t come through. No, no one signed up for your new program.

A “no” from the Universe is a tough one, my friends. If you’re human, you’re probably going to be angry, frustrated, or scared, or a combination there of.

And what about the Path? Are we still on the Path if we get a closed door?

Yes, a closed door is guidance, too. A “no” is as positive a sign as a “yes” is.

“No” can be

Not yet - yes, but more components need to fall into place.

Not as it is - unknown, there’s not enough information and can go either way.

Not for you - no, the person/job/place, etc. is not in YOUR best interest.

Know that even with a “no,” you are still on the path and still being guided.

The Universe is a benevolent one and works on your behalf. Always.


Repost - The Time of the Leo Sun


Your Innate Beauty